Home > Uncategorized > Comparing #AWS S3 Upload via CLI to #Azure Blob upload via CLI.

Comparing #AWS S3 Upload via CLI to #Azure Blob upload via CLI.

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.

The Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a set of commands used to create and manage Azure resources. It is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Both the AWS CLI and Azure CLI allow you to manage cloud resources from the command line and automate them through scripts. However, there are some key differences to be aware of:

  • Services: AWS offers a wider range of services, but Azure has some services that AWS does not, such as Azure Arc for managing hybrid environments.
  • Language support: The AWS CLI supports multiple programming languages, including Python, Node.js, and C#. The Azure CLI is written in Node.js and is designed to be used with the Azure Resource Manager.
  • Installation and setup: The AWS CLI is installed using a package manager or by downloading a standalone binary. The Azure CLI is installed using a package manager or by downloading the installer.

Overall, both the AWS CLI and Azure CLI are powerful tools that allow you to manage and automate your cloud resources. It really comes down to which cloud platform you are using and which services you need to manage.

Both the AWS and Azure CLI make it easy to upload files, but lets take a look at the difference

To login you type AWS Configure for AWS or AZ login for azure. the AZ login opens a browser so you can provide your credentials, whereas AWS Configure prompts for a IAM user key and secret. In my opinion, AZ makes this process easier for a first time user, but AWS tends to guide you towards the principle of least access better, so more secure for the novice user.

AWS arranges it’s S3 storage into buckets, and optionally folders within the buckets. Azure has storage accounts, and you must have at least one container within the storage account.

To upload a file on Azure it’s

az storage blob upload -f backup.zip -c database-backups –account-name backupaccount

And the same on AWS is:

aws s3 cp backup.zip s3://backupaccount/

Some complexities I had found with both Azure and AWS, is if you have multiple accounts, or subscriptions. In Azure, you have to select your subscription as follows;

az account set –subscription “PayAsYouGo”

Wheras, you can have multiple profiles in AWS, and that is selected using

aws s3 cp backup.zip s3://backupaccount/ –profile AWS

Categories: Uncategorized
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