
Archive for July, 2023

Change to #Azure #Devops #API, vso.loadtest scope no longer valid

I use Azure Devops to host some of my code, and then to automate deployments, I use the Azure Devops API, which up to now has worked great. Today, suddenly I got the error;


Returned, appended to the callback URL after authorization. I hadn’t changed anything, so automatically presumed something must have changed on the Azure side.

I logged in, everything seemed fine, I made a minor (non-breaking) change to the app definition, and pressed “Save changes”, then I saw the above error “Scope is not vald, Cannot mix uri based and modern scopes ‘vso.loadtest’

Granted, I didn’t actually need the scope vso.loadtest, but I had over-enabled the scopes just to get the thing working, and you can’t edit the scopes once the app is created.

So, I had to create a new app, with the appropriate scopes, but everything else identical, copied the new App id, app secret and client secret to to the web.config on my client, and still broken.

However, this turned out to be a temporary outage on the Azure side, and it worked again shortly afterwards. I wonder if the two events are related?

Categories: Uncategorized

Visual Studio debugger not hitting breakpoints

This happened on a Xamarin based project, connected to a real android device on VS 2022. Where no breakpoints were being hit on the projecct, even though the application deployed and ran on the device.

Here, thanks to this post: I enabled “Use Fast Deployment” – see screenshot above, and the breakpoints started to get hit again, and it deployed faster to the device.

Categories: Uncategorized