Home > Uncategorized > Run an ASP.NET website on #AWS without a server

Run an ASP.NET website on #AWS without a server

Here is a a few simple steps to run a ASP.NET (Razor / C#) based website on AWS without provisioning an EC2 instance – So you only pay for the few seconds when your website is being requested, and some S3 storage.

TL;DR; Here is the github repo https://github.com/infiniteloopltd/AWSServerlessHelloWorld

First, you have to download the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio and then open up VS 2019, and select New Project > AWS Serverless application (.NET Core)

Right click on the Project, select publish. Press the user icon, and enter in your AWS Access key and Secret from IAM.

Then, enter in a cloud formation name (just type anything), and create a new S3 bucket (again, any name). Press publish, and wait 5 minutes.

At the end you’ll be given a url like this;


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