How to transfer an #S3 bucket from one account to another

Transferring S3 bucket from one AWS account to another is a pretty common action, and the AWS documentation on this seems to be quite lacking.

At a high level, you need to give destination account READ access to the source account’s bucket, and give the source account WRITE access to the destination account’s bucket. In this way the destination does the reading, and the source does the writing. This means the whole operation can be performed by AWS S3 internally, without the data flowing to an intermediary service.

The approach below is not exactly “least privilige”, so I’m assuming you trust the source and destination accounts.

So, here I’m going to go from SOURCE-BUCKET to DESTINATION-BUCKET and the AWS Account ID of the source is 1111111 and the AWS account ID on the destination is 2222222 – You will obviously need to replace these placeholders with your own values.

So, under the source bucket – click permissions, then Edit under bucket policy then paste this JSON;

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Id": "CrossAccountRead",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowCrossAccountRead",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::2222222:root"
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::SOURCE-BUCKET/*"

Then on the destination bucket, do the same in reverse;

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Id": "CrossAccountWrite",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowCrossAccountWrite",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::1111111:root"
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": [

Then, back on the source account again, run the following command in the AWS CLI;

Categories: Uncategorized

Change to #Azure #Devops #API, vso.loadtest scope no longer valid

I use Azure Devops to host some of my code, and then to automate deployments, I use the Azure Devops API, which up to now has worked great. Today, suddenly I got the error;


Returned, appended to the callback URL after authorization. I hadn’t changed anything, so automatically presumed something must have changed on the Azure side.

I logged in, everything seemed fine, I made a minor (non-breaking) change to the app definition, and pressed “Save changes”, then I saw the above error “Scope is not vald, Cannot mix uri based and modern scopes ‘vso.loadtest’

Granted, I didn’t actually need the scope vso.loadtest, but I had over-enabled the scopes just to get the thing working, and you can’t edit the scopes once the app is created.

So, I had to create a new app, with the appropriate scopes, but everything else identical, copied the new App id, app secret and client secret to to the web.config on my client, and still broken.

However, this turned out to be a temporary outage on the Azure side, and it worked again shortly afterwards. I wonder if the two events are related?

Categories: Uncategorized

Visual Studio debugger not hitting breakpoints

This happened on a Xamarin based project, connected to a real android device on VS 2022. Where no breakpoints were being hit on the projecct, even though the application deployed and ran on the device.

Here, thanks to this post: I enabled “Use Fast Deployment” – see screenshot above, and the breakpoints started to get hit again, and it deployed faster to the device.

Categories: Uncategorized

Find all webpages hosted on a domain via an API

If you want to find all webpages that are hosted on a given domain, then you can use the Site: prefix in Google or Bing

However, let’s imagine you want a more extensive list, and perhaps, you want the result back in JSON format, such that you can use it in your own applications, here is where the WayBackMachine (Internet Archive) can be useful.

So, imagine that you want to see what pages are (or were) hosted on the domain; you’d use the url

This returns a JSON array, of webpages on that domain divided by year. Of course, you can’t be sure that all of those pages are live, but you can know that they were live on the year specified, so you can focus on the latest year. There will also be plenty of duplicates, so you’ll need to eliminate these too.

This appears to be an unofficial API, so it is subject to change without warning. However, I hope it is useful!

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#ChatGPT #API is not blocked in Italy, loophole by design?

It was big news that Italy would be the first country in the EU to block Chat-GPT, and you can see what happens if you use a VPN and set it to an Italian IP, then try to access the service, it gives a warning “ChatGPT disabled for users in Italy”.

But, I was thinking, is the API also blocked, and the answer is no, it’s not. Which means that tools built on ChatGPT can still continue to operate. Quite a glaring loop-hole (One I’m happy about, but shows that somebody accidentally, or purposefully slipped up).

Above is a screenshot showing a response from the ChatGPT API, and the same “blocked screen”, while on an Italian VPN.

Below is the code I used, using the GPT3 Nuget package from Betalgo.

 // Install-Package Betalgo.OpenAI.GPT3
var gpt3 = new OpenAIService(new OpenAiOptions
	ApiKey = strSecretKey
var question = Console.ReadLine();
var completionResult = await gpt3.Completions.CreateCompletion(new CompletionCreateRequest()
	Prompt = question,
	Model = Models.TextDavinciV2,
	Temperature = 0.5F,
	MaxTokens = 100
if (completionResult.Successful)
	foreach (var choice in completionResult.Choices)
	if (completionResult.Error == null)
		throw new Exception("Unknown Error");
	Console.WriteLine($"{completionResult.Error.Code}: {completionResult.Error.Message}");
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13 years of this blog!

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Send #SMS to the #USA or #Canada for 1 Cent via an #API

There are a million different APIs that allow you to send SMS messages, but here is a really simple one, that although is limited to the US or Canada, is really cost effective, at 1 US cent per SMS, with no monthly or setup charges.

There is also a free plan that starts at 5 SMS per day, at no cost.

It’s really easy to use, you subscribe to the API here:

to get your API Key, which you include as a HTTP header called “X-RapidAPI-Key”, then you post a body such as the following

    "text" : "Your Authentication code is 74456",
    "phone" : "+17047037094"

To the URL –

(Yes, it’s a AWS lambda function on the back-end)

Categories: Uncategorized

Performance testing – Speed and Coverage. is a service that can obtain a name and profile picture from an email address, it offers an API, such that you can include this functionality into your own systems, be it your CRM system, or marketing platform.

One of the key features of the API, is that you can select which providers to use, when searching for sources. Some sources are more expensive than others, in terms of credits, and the more sources you add, the slower the search will be. Therefore, if you are looking for a very responsive API, you will have to make a trade-off between coverage and speed. Associating a profile picture with an email may be a nice-to-have, but shouldn’t interupt the flow of work, either for your users or staff.

ProviderAvg Time (ms)In Default Set% found

Illustrated above is the list of providers available to AvatarAPI, and the average time in millisecods (1000 ms = 1 second), per request. If all providers are used, and nothing was found by any of them, the complete search would take of 16 seconds, which is probably unaccepable in an interactive environment, but maybe reasonable for batch-processing. However, given that manu of the providers have a low <1% chance of hitting a match, they can be removed, in order to optimize the processing speed.

In the above example, using only Google and Skype, one could achieve 94% of the matches of all providers combined, in 3.7 seconds rather than 16 seconds.

The default set, is the set of providers used when none are specified, and this is calibrated to roughly 10 seconds, although this may be subject to review.

Categories: Uncategorized

Evaluate C# with C# using #Roslyn

Having code that evaluates code is a bit of an unusual ask, but perhaps, you want to have a super-configurable system, where you can dynamically execute user code, giving full flexibility over the functionality of your system. Obviously this opens security issues, but let’s imagine you are in a secure, trusted environment

So, this is where Roslyn comes in, Which you can load by grabbing the NuGet package using “Install-Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting”. Then, you can run a very simple command such as;

var result = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync("1 + 3").Result;

All very simple, however, let’s say you want to run more complex code. Here, for example, to run some code to get the user’s IP address. I’ve moved this out to a seperate file, called Sample.txt, and set the build option to copy always, so I can write the user code in a different location to the interpreting code.

var wc = new WebClient();
return wc.DownloadString("");

If you try to run this as a script, it borks, because it can’t locate WebClient, and fully qualifying it, by saying System.Net.WebClient doesn’t work either, because it can’t locate System.Net either, so you need to add a bit more as follows –

var scriptOptions = ScriptOptions.Default;
var asmWebClient = typeof(WebClient).Assembly;
scriptOptions = scriptOptions.AddReferences(asmWebClient);
scriptOptions = scriptOptions.AddImports("System.Net");
var sample = File.ReadAllText("sample.txt");
var result = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(sample, scriptOptions).Result;

This grabs the relevant assembly for WebClient, and then adds both the reference, and the import to the script. Once it executes, it can find the WebClient class, and the code runs.

GitHub Repo here:

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#Excel tip: Formula to cross check ledger transactions

This is a real time saver, and I hope it’s useful to someone else.

If you have a typical “ledger” type spread sheet, with columns, payments in, payments out and balance – based on the image above. Perhaps this has been entered manually, or perhaps it’s been OCR’d from paper, there could be errors in it, and it can take alot of time to manually check each number.

In the example above you can see there must be an issue with the value in Cell D4, since the Balance does not reflect the value. However, getting excel to highlight this error would allow you to manually check that one cell, not every value on the spreadsheet.

So, I added a new cell in G3 with the value =$E$2+SUM($D$3:D3)-SUM($C$3:C3) and copied this for each row in the spreadsheet. Then added a conditional formatting rule; of =$G1<>$E1

Which then highlights what the Balance should be for each row, and highlights it, if the balance is different to that stated. In this case, you can see that after a point, the projected Balance diverges from the stated balance, indicating the row at which an inaccuracy is present.

Correcting this value, and the projected balance now matches the stated balance, without having to check every single value on the spreadsheet.

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